Kira Buckland Joins Shot One!
Quanta, the void emissary.
Proud to announce that we are working with Kira Buckland, best known for her starring roles in hit properties such as Nier Automata, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Ace Attorney, Soul Calibur, Danganronpa and many other titles. She’ll be primarily voicing Quanta, the mysterious void character that appears throughout Shot One as both a playable character and key story character.
We’re excited to have her on board alongside the rest of our amazing voice staff that will help our game’s world come to life. We’ve partnered with international voice talent from 6 different countries so far to give our characters life, including Shiki Yoshida- A native Japanese speaker for the role of Pixel. A special thanks to Crowcourier for assisting in translation and logistics to make that happen.
While we wish we could share more, a good chunk of our story mode content is still under wraps. We’re looking forward to reaching a point where we can share more details soon.